was that the thick red one ?
stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
Remember the Revelation book?
by wozza ini recall when it was released ,that's when i was a drone, how excited i felt at the prospect of reading it and formulating ways to sell it at the homes in my area.. i thought, finally a book to explain the last book in the bible and indeed one that the churches seemed to want to leave alone!.
i sold quite a few probably because of my enthusiasm and can still remember clearly the first day when i went knocking on doors with it ,and it's been decades since.. but over time it lost it's shine and my mind started to question the explanations in it due to the scene of other things being changed in the jw beliefs.. do you remember they flogged that book so many times in the book studies even when it was found to have "newer light " eclipsing it!.
who else remembers the printed pages with the official corrections to insert into the book ,so many that the book collapsed to be of no relevance anymore really.....what an embarrassment!.
Coronavirus lockdown HYPOCRISY
by The Fall Guy inhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-52171712.
the bbc isn't even covering this story - it's merely publishing the front page of a newspaper which is!
why not bbc?.
stan livedeath
i know a lot of politicians have 2nd homes here on the isle of Wight. so far--there is no restrictions on people travelling over here.
Today’s nauseating WT
by Slidin Fast ini am sitting at home, trying not to barf as this wt paragraph by paragraph tries to character assassinate those who have the temerity to take the emblems.
the unwritten, unspoken subtext is that they, the gb, the now distinct and separate “slave” are above all this.
they, the gold standard are immune to this questioning.
stan livedeath
arent i the lucky one. not had to sit through any of it--in any form, for over 40 years.
My Girlfriend’s Beautiful Scottish Terrier Died Yesterday 😥
by minimus inmia was almost 8 and she was the sweetest dog who was my girlfriend’s constant companion.
she had a wonderful disposition and was just a source of joy to everyone who would meet her.. she was brought to the vet on thursday and seemed to have digestive issues.
the vet gave her medicine and said it would make her sleepy.
stan livedeath
having lost a whippet, 4 dobermanns and 2 siamese sealpoint cats over a 20 year period--ive had enough. no more pets for me.
What's up with old geezers in the Bible?
by eyeuse2badub inwhat the hell is the problem with the famous “men of old” in the bible?
for some strange reason those old geezers (and some not so old) could not recognize who they were screwing?.
my wife was listening to this week’s bible reading about jacob, laban, and the sisters leah, and rachael.
stan livedeath
if they are really ugly, you put the paper bag over your own head.....
needs must when the devil drives..etc.
What Is Your Favorite Decade or Time Period to Live In?
by minimus insome people say this decade is the most advantage and so they are happiest in the present.
some long for the good old days before cell phones and computers.
if you could live in an era or decade , when would it be?.
stan livedeath
my favourite liver ?
the one i've got..still going strong...in spite of--me.
What's up with old geezers in the Bible?
by eyeuse2badub inwhat the hell is the problem with the famous “men of old” in the bible?
for some strange reason those old geezers (and some not so old) could not recognize who they were screwing?.
my wife was listening to this week’s bible reading about jacob, laban, and the sisters leah, and rachael.
stan livedeath
havent you lot ever had a paper bag job ?
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
stan livedeath
if a person has it--and has recovered...are they still infectious ?
Saving Money While Stuck At Home
by Simon inso you're stuck at home, you may be worried about your income, welcome to the world of filling your stuck-in-the-house time with saving some money!.
here in canada, our energy costs are going up because we have a carbon tax.
today, in the middle of the crisis, trudeau is raising it by 50%, probably as some perverse "thank you" to all the truckers delivering vital goods.
stan livedeath
home wine making. easy once you get into it. no need for kits--unless you want something a bit special. for a nice white wine--i used supermarket fruit juice. 1 litre of apple juice to 1 kilo of sugar--dissolved in warm water to make up a gallon container ( demi john ). add yeast and nutrient, which you can buy online or in home brew shops. make sure to fit an airlock or it will go bad ( vinegar). .. leave it to do its magic.
once it has stopped fermenting, say 4-6 weeks, syphon the clear wine off the sediment. its drinkable --but better left for a while. you can experiment with lots of varieties.: orange, pineapple--grape even ! fully fermented out it will be about 15%proof.
i used 5 gallon fermenting barrels, always had 4 on the go--and a dozen or so 1 gallon demi johns. did it for years.
i'm still alive, but i dont make it any more. rarely drink wine now.
What Covid-19 Has Taught Us About Models
by Simon inlet's talk about predictions.
"woooh, gaze into my crystal ball ...
stan livedeath
pummel china
stomp communism
cheeesus christ on a bike, dont worry about a little virus, we're gonna have world war 3 next.